How WSMB Free Nematode Testing Services Address Farming Needs
Without the ideal growing conditions, a farmer’s business operations can suffer. That’s why the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board provides area growers with free soil testing for soybean cyst nematodes. The program is designed to address farming needs by identifying plant-parasitic nematodes that attack soybeans. To leave you better prepared to take advantage of the opportunity, the guide below outlines important points about the nematode testing service.
Tailor Specific Strategies for Your Farming Needs
Nematode soil testing provides a wealth of information that can impact future soybean growing conditions. By identifying problem populations that are resistant to treatment, a grower can adopt techniques and strategies to address specific farming needs during the season and after harvest. With thorough documentation of the data, the grower can resolve minor concerns before they compromise the quality of the crops.
Don’t Wait for Results
With the free testing service, growers don’t have to wait long to find out about the condition of the soil. After requesting the service through the UW-Madison Agronomy Department, the grower receives a testing kit with the address of the WSMB-approved Pest Pros lab. After sending the sample to the facility, a results report, risk assessment sheet for soybean cyst nematodes, and additional documents are sent back within seven days. Pest Pros lab technicians are available to help interrupt the results.
To request a free soil sample test, email or call (608) 262-1390. To find out more about the Pest Pros lab, call (715) 335-4046 or email
If you need soybean cyst nematode soil testing services in Adams, WI, or the surrounding area, the professionals at Allied Cooperative will give your sample a thorough assessment. As a WSMB-approved Pest Pros lab, they meet all the criteria to identify the causes for concern impacting the quality of your growing soil. They will also recommend equipment to support your endeavors. To discover how the team will tend to your farming needs in West-Central Wisconsin, call (800) 247-5679. You can also visit them online for a closer look at the farming services and agronomy solutions they provide, and like them on Facebook for announcements.