
Soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) are damaging pests that cost the soybean farming industry $1.2 billion in damages each year. To tackle this “billion-dollar pest,” Pest Pros Lab at Allied Cooperative has partnered with the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board (WSMB) and the UW-Madison Extension program to offer four free SCN tests every year to Wisconsin soybean growers. Here’s what to know to get started.

What Are Soybean Cyst Nematode Tests?

Funded by Wisconsin growers’ soybean checkoff dollars and WSMB grants, this initiative provides complete soil nematode analyses to help farmers make important decisions, such as varietal selection and rotation schedules.

Results offer population counts of SCN eggs and other parasitic nematodes, assessing risks of potential yield damage based on those populations. Farmers can use both portions of the results to make informed decisions not only about their soybeans, but also about their systems’ dry beans, snap beans, and rotation crops.

What Can You Expect From a Test?

farmingFarmers can pull and mail samples during the growing season to troubleshoot problem areas within a field. Professionals can also evaluate spring and fall fertility to help growers make decisions about variety choice and field locations.

Pest Pros Lab offers quick results—usually within a week—so growers can act quickly to address potential problems. Professionals are also available for consultations if you have any questions.


Talk to Pest Pros Lab about their sampling services. To get your testing kits and postage-paid packaging for shipping, email For more information about the testing program, contact Kelsi Mueller of Pest Pros Lab at or call (608) 403-7199. Visit Allied Cooperative online to learn more about their testing capabilities.
