
Manufacturers have a legal responsibility to ensure their products are safe to use before offering them for sale. Unfortunately, errors in the design, manufacturing, or marketing of a product can cause serious, potentially life-altering injuries. If you’ve been hurt by a defective product, the tips below will help your attorney build a strong case and hold the liable parties accountable.

What to Do if You’ve Been Injured by a Defective Product

1. Seek Medical Attention

Even severe injuries may not immediately present symptoms, so seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor will document your injuries and may be able to keep your condition from getting worse. The medical records they produce will also firmly establish the link between your injuries and the defective product.

2. Take Photos

Pictures of the scene immediately after the injury can be used by your attorney as compelling evidence to hold the manufacturer accountable. Before moving the product or anything else in the area, take detailed pictures of the scene, the defective item, and any injuries you sustained.

3. Keep the Product

defective product

Immediately after an injury, you may be tempted to throw the product away. However, your attorney will need the item to demonstrate the flaw that caused your injuries. Keep the product in the state it was in immediately after the accident, and don’t try to repair it.

4. Collect Your Documentation

You may also be able to file a defective product claim against the retailer or advertising firm if the item didn’t come with appropriate warning labels. If you’ve been injured by a defective product, collect the user’s manual, the packaging, and the original receipt. Even the smallest details could be pivotal pieces of evidence, so it’s important to keep everything.

5. Avoid Giving a Statement

Shortly after your accident, the manufacturer’s insurer may contact you asking for a statement about the incident. While the insurance adjuster may seem sympathetic, remember that their job is to help inform and protect the company. To accomplish their goal, they may ask confusing questions or make an offer that doesn’t cover all of your damages.

Avoid talking to the insurance company until after you’ve spoken with an attorney. To keep your words from being used against you, you can just tell the insurer that they can communicate with you through your lawyer’s office.


If you’ve been injured by a defective product anywhere in Oahu, the Charles H. Brower Law Corporation will fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. This attorney and his staff pride themselves on standing up for the victims of negligent manufacturers and achieving positive results in even the most complex cases. Visit their website for more on their personal injury services, or call (808) 526-2688 to schedule a consultation today.
