
Title 19, also known as Medicaid, helps people pay their medical bills. To see if you qualify, check Connecticut’s Title 19 website. Once you’ve decided to apply, there are a number of steps you must take to get approved. Since these requests can take a while to get processed, it’s critical to provide ample information on your first try. Here are the documents you’ll need to get approved.

1. Proof of Age

You need to be an adult to qualify for Title 19. Prepare to provide a copy of your birth certificate or driver’s license.

2. Proof of Citizenship

A copy of your birth certificate or passport should suffice unless you can demonstrate that you can’t obtain one.

3. Proof of Income

Title 19Title 19 is a low-income medical assistance program. Prepare copies of tax returns and any other forms of income, including Social Security, Veteran’s benefits, retirement, and any other supplementary funds to prove you qualify.

4. Proof of Assets

Attach copies of your bank statements and any other financial resources specified.

5. Proof of Disability (If Applicable)

If you think you qualify for Title 19 based on disability, provide official documentation.

6. Proof of Residence

Rent receipts, statements from a landlord, or a copy of your mortgage will suffice.

7. Proof of Other Insurance

If your Title 19 application specifies, attach proof of any other types of insurance you may have.

Remember: the state must respond to your request within 45 days of receipt. If your request is denied, it’s not over: you can appeal the denial, or re-apply if denied due to insufficient information. Once approved, you have to re-apply each year.


Based in Torrington, CT, Debora A. Brown is an attorney whose 28 years of experience have given her a near-encyclopedic knowledge of Title 19 and its requirements. She’ll make sure your application is approved on your first try. Get Debora A. Brown on the case by calling her at (860) 496-7717 or visiting her website.
