
Monitoring your health is a key part of living in a retirement community. While only an evaluation from your physician can determine if you have Alzheimer’s, there are early signs you may notice that could prompt you to make an appointment. Keep reading to learn some of the common early signs of Alzheimer’s. 

What Are Some Early Signs of Alzheimer’s?

1. Memory Loss that Disrupts Daily Life

As you get older, you or a friend may become more forgetful with age. While this is normal, watch for signs of deeper memory loss. For example, they may forget how to prepare a meal or get to the grocery store.

Other common ways that memory loss shows up are asking the same questions over and over, forgetting important events or dates, or forgetting recently learned information. When memory loss affects daily life, it’s time to see a doctor.

2. Challenges in Planning or Solving Problems

retirement community

Early Alzheimer’s disease can also cause difficulty in developing and following a plan, especially one with numbers. For example, following a familiar recipe or doing the bills can become a struggle. A lack of concentration can make these tasks take longer than usual. It could even get to the point where you or a friend may get frustrated and experience sudden mood swings. 

3. Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks

Although many seniors have mobility challenges as they age, they should still know how to perform their routines. Talk to their health care provider if you notice them having difficulty completing tasks they usually do with ease, like buying groceries, playing with the grandchildren, heating food in the microwave, or finding a favorite show on TV.


If you are looking for a retirement community and apartments, look no further than Cathedral Towers in Atlanta, GA. This apartment complex offers seniors independent living with a great community of activities and support services. You will love the adult retirement community along with the safety of their security. Call (404) 231-3020 to speak with a team member and schedule an appointment to see an available unit or visit them online to learn more about their services.
