
Many people have some form of tooth discoloration. While this is a normal condition with a variety of potential causes, it can cause some to feel self-conscious or more aware of their teeth when they smile or talk. Understanding what factors can bring about changes in color can help you minimize or counteract discoloration, whether by avoiding certain foods or getting teeth whitening done by your dentist. Here are three main causes and what you can do about them.

What Factors Contribute to Tooth Discoloration?

1. Particular Foods and Drinks

If a meal or drink can stain fabric, it can likely affect the color of your teeth. Dark drinks like coffee, wine, tea, sodas, and even juice can leave a yellow or brown tint, as can foods like apples, potatoes, blueberries, raspberries, and candy. These all typically contain acids, sugars, or pigments that lead to discoloration if allowed to sit on the enamel of the teeth. This effect can be minimized by limiting your intake and by brushing your teeth shortly after consuming these kinds of food and drinks so that the yellowing elements don't have time to set in.

2. Poor Oral Health

Teeth Whitening

Stains can also be caused by bacteria resulting from leftover food. If you fail to brush and floss regularly, this bacteria can build up, increasing the discoloration of your teeth. Teeth whitening can help negate this issue, but a good oral health regime will not only prevent discoloration but also safeguard your mouth from more serious conditions, like tooth decay and cavities.

3. Age

The layer beneath the enamel on your teeth, known as the dentin, is already a yellow hue. As people grow older, the enamel begins to wear away, allowing more of the dentin color to show through. Fortunately, this is not a sign that your teeth are unhealthy. Teeth whitening can help reduce the signs of enamel erosion as long as your teeth are in good enough condition for treatment. This procedure can cause teeth to feel more sensitive, so if you are already prone to tooth sensitivity, a whitening toothpaste may be a more comfortable option.


If you need help refreshing the whiteness of your smile, turn to Harold R Arthur, D.M.D., P.A. Family Dentistry in Live Oak, FL. They offer a wide range of services to residents of the surrounding area, from routine cleanings to implants and dentures. Their friendly staff will help create a customized dental plan to improve your smile and keep your teeth healthy for years to come. Visit their website to learn more, or call (386) 330-5181 to schedule an appointment.
