
If a tooth is extremely damaged due to a traumatic injury or advanced decay, a tooth extraction procedure may be necessary. A dental implant can then be installed in the original tooth's place, keeping your smile whole. Knowing what to expect after your tooth extraction will help you to be prepared and heal more quickly, so here are some helpful aftercare tips to keep in mind.

What Care Steps Should You Take After a Tooth Extraction?

1. Stick to Soft Foods

For the first few days after the extraction, chewing may be uncomfortable due to the swelling. Stick to soft foods like yogurt, apple sauce, and smoothies. Avoid crunchy, spicy, or acidic foods, which might irritate the incision site. Also, avoid alcohol, which can exacerbate bleeding. When drinking, don't use a straw for at least 24 hours, as this creates a vacuum-like effect that can dislodge the scab covering the healing incision.

2. Keep the Swelling Down

tooth extraction

Take any antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicine as recommended by your dentist. You can also help keep the swelling down by icing the side of your face with an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas. Make sure to wrap the ice pack or bag in a cloth to avoid irritating the skin. Another way to help keep inflammation down is by keeping your head elevated. When sleeping, use multiple pillows to keep your head propped up above your heart.

3. Keep the Site Clean

Continue to brush and floss as usual following the tooth extraction. However, avoid the extraction site. The dentist should provide instructions for cleaning the incision—for example, by simply rinsing with salt water. To minimize the risk of infection, you should also avoid smoking for at least 24 hours after your procedure. Smoking introduces bacteria into the mouth and can interfere with the body's healing process.


If you need a tooth extraction, trust Harold R. Arthur, DMD, PA Family Dentistry in Live Oak, FL. This dental office provides cutting-edge dentistry using modern techniques and technologies. Their friendly team will answer any questions about your procedure and ensure you feel at ease throughout the appointment. Visit their website for a list of services, and call (386) 330-5181 to schedule an appointment.
