
If you’re a winter sports enthusiast, you know it can be difficult on your body. Whether you’re playing hockey on a frozen pond or sledding down a large hill, it’s crucial you take steps to prevent injuries. Here are several winter–related issues that usually require a trip to the hospital.

What Are some Common Winter Injuries?

1. Concussion

A hard fall while sledding at high speeds or falling on the ice and hitting your head can result in a concussion. This occurs when a hard blow to the head affects brain function. A person may seem confused, vomit, be dizzy, or lose their coordination. This is considered a traumatic brain injury, so it's essential to visit a hospital for emergency care right away if you are showing significant signs. You can avoid concussions by always wearing a helmet when doing any fast-speed winter activity like hockey or skiing.

2. Knee Injuries


Snowboarding, sledding, and skiing are all hard on your knees—even when you’re only going down small hills. You bend and steer with your lower body and this can strain your knee.  Sometimes skis or snowboards will catch in the snow and cause sudden twisting of the knee.  The key to avoiding these injuries is stretching and knowing your limitations. Don’t tackle a large hill if you don’t have the proper technique, for example. You’re more likely to steer a snowboard incorrectly and harm your knees. 

3. Ankle Injuries

The ankle is a complex joint that can be easy to injure. Slips and falls are common in winter sports. In the process, you may land wrong in your ankle, resulting in a sprain or break. You should always wear shoes with plenty of traction during sports. If you’re playing hockey, ensure your skates have high tops and ankle supports. While these injuries don’t always require a trip to the hospital, you will need to see an orthopedic professional to recover.


If you’ve experienced an injury, our Orthopedic team at United Hospital District can help. They provide an extensive range of services and work with all our care providers to keep families healthy. Orthopedic appointments are available at our clinics in Blue Earth and Fairmont, MN. Call (507) 526-7388 today to schedule an orthopedic appointment or to see a physician. Connect on Facebook for more health tips, and visit our website to learn more about the hospital.
