About Maschka Riedy Ries & Frentz
Whether you’ve been injured in an accident, are a landlord looking to evict a tenant, or you need assistance with a family member’s will, you’re going to need a lawyer on your side who has years of experience. In Mankato, MN, that honor belongs to the attorneys at Maschka Riedy Ries & Frentz. They cover a variety of legal areas and work closely with their clients to provide the best counsel possible.
With a team of bright attorneys and a knowledge base that includes various areas of law, including civil litigation, personal injury, and corporate law, there are few cases this firm hasn’t covered and fewer people who wouldn’t seek out their services during their time of need. From power of attorney assistance to wrongful death cases, this firm has successfully represented countless clients from falling and remaining victims to others’ mistakes.
When you need legal help from a team of skilled and experienced lawyers, trust Maschka Riedy Ries & Frentz to lead you to victory. Start today by giving them a call at (507) 625-6600 or visiting them online.