
The taste of sweet, toasted sugar is unique to rum, one of the oldest distilled spirits. This type of liquor was originally popular among seafarers — hence the expression, "Drink like a sailor." If you've ever wondered why, here's the history behind it.

Why Sailors Started Drinking

During the 18th century, British monarchs sent out battleships to expand their influence and territories. In those days, the lives of sailors revolved around battle and danger. Life at sea was rough, with stormy weather, insufficient food and drinking water, and humid temperatures during the day.

rumTo comfort the seamen and compensate them for their service, Britain provided each man with a gallon of beer daily. Rum, which was readily available in the colonies, particularly in the Caribbean, became the favored liquor by 1731.

How Rum Rations Changed Over the Years

Since then, sailors were served half-pints of rum with high alcohol levels. Sailors tested the alcohol’s purity and strength by placing gunpowder in their cups and setting them ablaze. 

Unfortunately, drunken sailors were less efficient. This prompted officers to explore several solutions, such as diluting the rum with water. In 1823, servings were reduced to quarter-pints, then to eighth-pints in 1850. On July 31, 1970, also known as Black Tot Day, the Royal Navy gave sailors their last daily serving of rum.

Today, those who own boats and yachts continue the tradition of drinking at sea.

If you’re looking for rum to celebrate an occasion or help you unwind, visit Evergreen Liquor Store in Kalispell, MT. For over 30 years, this liquor store has been a go-to spot for premium Montana-made vodka and whiskey, as well as quality wines, liqueurs, and mixers. Their store is conveniently located near the Glacier National Airport. For inquiries, call (406) 755-1408. Find out more about their liquor selection on their website, or follow them on Facebook to receive notifications on new items and monthly specials.
