
While many homeowners prioritize their indoor lighting fixtures over outdoor illumination, having a well-lit property has several key benefits. In particular, outdoor security lighting is a wise investment for homes everywhere. If you’re an electrical contractor, consider discussing the following benefits of this installation with your clients.

5 Advantages of Outdoor Security Lighting

1. Deter Trespassing

The primary reason many homeowners have outdoor lighting installed is to keep the areas surrounding their house well-lit. With fewer dark spots on their property, there will be little opportunity for would-be trespassers to hide.

2. Keep Pests at Bay

Raccoons, possums, and other nocturnal creatures are drawn to shelter, food, and water sources –which can often be found in homes, garages, and sheds. Well-positioned outdoor lighting fixtures can scare away unwanted wildlife, especially when powered by motion detectors.

3. Improve Safety

lighting fixtures Lincoln NEWhether you’re walking your guests out to their cars after an evening of hosting or you’re taking the garbage out, keeping your property lit up at night can minimize the risk of slips and falls.

Aim to have lighting installed near entryways and walkways so visitors and family members can safely navigate your property.

4. Enhance Functionality

In addition to boosting safety and security, outdoor lighting fixtures can also make your property more functional at night. You can make your deck or patio a prime spot for entertaining, even after the sun goes down, with decorative string, wall, or hanging lights.

5. Boost Aesthetics

Illuminating your property at night can enhance your curb appeal, allowing your home to be one of the best-looking on the block. Exterior lights positioned on or near your home can accentuate key features of your architecture, adding elegance and charm.


If you’re an electrical contractor offering exterior lighting and other residential services, you can find all the supplies you need for the job at Lincoln Winlectric. Serving South Lincoln, NE, this independent distributor is locally owned and offers an extensive range of electrical supplies and equipment, including lighting fixtures. Browse through their inventory online or call (402) 423-3100 to speak with a team member.
