
It's a common myth that once a woman reaches menopause, she no longer needs to go to the OB-GYN. However, seeing your gynecologist should remain an important part of maintaining your health and screening for various medical conditions. The following guide explains the importance of gynecological care post-menopause.

Why Should I See the OB-GYN After Menopause?

After the age of 40, women will begin to notice a reduced frequency in periods. Missing 12 consecutive periods signals menopause. During this natural process, the ovaries stop producing hormones, and you will no longer have a menstrual cycle or the ability to get pregnant. 

This can also cause changes in the body that might affect your health and wellness, such as hot flashes, mood swings, cramping, or sweating. Because symptoms vary, seeing an OB-GYN is even more important to ensure that your symptoms are normal. 

What Type of Post-Menopausal Care Do I Need?



After menopause, the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum often lose strength, sometimes resulting in a pelvic organ prolapse that requires medical attention. Many women start to experience urinary incontinence as well. Your OB-GYN can help you find the right treatment for this condition, such as medication and exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Irritation of the vulva or vagina should also be handled by your physician.

As a result of lower estrogen levels, post-menopausal women are at a higher risk of developing a variety of health issues, including urinary tract infections, slowed metabolism and weight gain, thyroid problems, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and osteoporosis. A gynecologist will continue screening for these problems during appointments and provide specialized treatment and care when necessary. 

How Often Should I Visit the OB-GYN?

In general, Pap smears are still recommended for women up to the age of 65 to test for cervical cancer. Women past the age of 30 can schedule these exams every three years. However, the frequency of gynecology appointments will also depend on your risk of developing certain conditions and any medical issues you currently need treatment for. 

Menopause can be uncomfortable, but the OB-GYN team at United Hospital District will provide compassionate care. With more than 30 years of experience treating women, we're prepared to discuss your unique concerns and work with you to develop a plan of care. Gynecology services are available at our convenient locations in Blue Earth and Fairmont, MN. Visit our website to learn more about our OB-GYN office. To schedule your appointment, call us at (507) 526-7388.
