
You need more than quality used auto parts to repair your vehicle — you also need the right tools for the job. Because you never know when automotive troubles might strike, there are certain tools you should keep in your vehicle at all times. This way, you’ll be fully prepared for whatever the road throws your way.

3 Tools You Should Store in Your Vehicle

1. Jumper Cables

used auto parts

A dead battery is a frustrating issue that can leave you completely stranded. While this problem can usually be quickly remedied with the help of another driver, one of you will need to have a set of jumper cables to restart your battery. Alternatively, if you also keep a power bank in your car, you can get a jump start without needing another vehicle.

2. Socket and Screwdriver Kit

Loose bolts and screws may not seem like a big deal at first, but vibrations from a running engine or driving down an unpaved road could cause significant damage to your vehicle's used auto parts. If the bolts fall out entirely, the part could fall out of your vehicle. Keep a socket and screwdriver kit handy so you can tighten any loose connections within your vehicle.

3. Tire Repair or Inflation Kit

While a spare tire used to come with most vehicles, this is no longer the case. If your car doesn’t have a spare, keep a tire repair or inflation kit in your trunk. Tire sealant can also repair minor damage so the affected tire doesn’t lose air pressure. An inflation tool will help you get your tires to their proper air pressure level. This way, you can drive safely to a shop for professional repairs or a replacement.


Whether you’re looking for quality used auto parts or need to sell your junk car, Stewart’s Used Auto Parts, Inc. in Barkhamsted, CT, has you covered. With affordable, refurbished used auto parts, this salvage yard makes it easy to get what you need for your DIY repairs and projects. To learn more, visit them online or call (860) 379-7541.
