
Did you know that a 5-minute shower can use up to 25 gallons of water? Reducing your water footprint not only helps the environment but also saves you a significant amount of money in the long run. If you need plumbing services in La Crosse, WI, you can rely on Bernie Buchner for fast, high-quality repair and installation. They can handle everything from blocked or leaking toilets to dripping taps and drainage problems. They can also make recommendations on how you can minimize your water consumption and bring down your utility bill.

4 Ways To Reduce Your Water Footprint

1. Check & Repair Leaks

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, household leaks can waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water per year nationwide. Get plumbing services from a trusted plumber and fix dripping faucets, toilet flappers, and showerheads. Doing so can save you up to 10% on your water bill.

2. Use Water Saving Fixtures

Fixture manufacturers have introduced several products to the market that help conserve water. Consider using dual-flush toilets, low-flow faucets and showerheads, and aerators. Most local water suppliers even offer rebates and incentives for using water-efficient fixtures.

3. Use A Greywater System

This method allows you to reuse water in places where potable water isn’t necessary. Reuse laundry water to irrigate the plants in your garden or flush the toilet. Check with your water supplier if they offer incentive programs for using a greywater system.

4. Upgrade Your Washer

plumbing servicesOld washing machines use as much as 45 gallons of water per load. Now, there are newer models that only use 13 gallons of water per load. Energy Star-certified washers also use 25% less energy and 45% less water and can save you about $45 a year on your utility bills.

Consider these methods for reducing your water consumption in this upcoming new year. For your HVAC repair, water heater, and other plumbing needs, contact Bernie Buchner at (608) 784-9000. You may also visit their website to learn more about the plumbing services they offer.
