
You may think treating your plants with garden fertilizer is easy. However, to get the best results, there are a few tricks that every home owner needs to know. Below are a handful of tips that will help you take your garden to the next level.  

3 Tips for Using Garden Fertilizer

1. Add It Gradually

Although you can buy fast-acting, synthetic, and water-soluble fertilizers for lower prices, your plants will stay healthier and require fewer rounds of treatment if you opt for a slow release garden fertilizer. This ensures that your garden receives moderate doses of fertilizer periodically rather than having to contend with more fertilizer than it can absorb at once. 

2. Keep to a Schedule

garden fertilizerAs soon as the seeds start breaking through in the spring, add garden fertilizer directly to the soil, either by hand or with a spreader. Then, mix it well with a spade fork or hoe. Different fertilizers will demand different application times, so read the instructions on the one you bought and follow them strictly throughout the season. Stop adding fertilizer at the first sign of frost in the fall.

3. Don’t Misapply or Add Too Much 

Fertilizer is more like a vitamin supplement than plant food. As such, if you add it to soil that is already rich with its own nutrients, you’ll risk giving the garden more than it can handle. The plants may yellow or produce low-quality fruits, and the unneeded fertilizer may even attract pests and insects. Also, never substitute garden fertilizer with one designed for turf, as it will burn the plants with nitrogen.


For high quality, eco-friendly garden fertilizer to help your plants resist disease and insect damage, contact Nelson Plant Food in Bellville, TX. You can also take advantage of their soil and tissue analysis services. Additionally, they provide custom-blended plant food to help gardens flourish. Call them at (979) 865-8596 or message them online to find out more about their budget-friendly products.
