Whale watching trips offer participants a chance to see the majestic humpback whales as these amazing animals come to the waters off Hawaii for the winter. Humpback whales are known for their distinctive songs that can collectively last for hours. Here are some interesting discoveries scientists have made about why humpback whales sing and how these songs develop.
When & Why Do Humpback Whales Sing?
The definitive reason for whale song is not yet certain, but male humpback whales do most of their singing during the winter migration and breeding season, providing some clues. Singing is often a social event in which all the male whales in the same group will sing the same song together. The sound from these songs can travel for several miles.
How Do Humpback Whale Songs Evolve?
Researchers who have observed humpback whales and their songs have found that the songs will gradually change. Over time, the length and complexity of a song that is shared by a particular group of humpback whales will increase. After a few years, however, the whales in a group will typically abandon the old song and start singing a new one. It is unknown whether this is because the song gets too complex, the whales get bored with it, or for another yet-undiscovered reason.
While different groups of whales will have distinct songs, researchers have found that whales separated by thousands of miles will often share musical phrases with the song of another group. This is believed to occur as a result of different groups of whales mingling or intermixing in the North Pacific during the summer or meeting up in the middle of migration routes.
From whale watching to swimming with turtles, Sea Maui in Lahaina, HI, offers unforgettable experiences that take you up close to the local sea life of Lanai and West Maui. This unique tourist attraction offers snorkeling and boat trips at affordable prices to help your family create memories that will last a lifetime. Visit them online to learn more about their whale watching tours, or call (808) 732-6284 to book your trip.
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