If you’re looking for an affordable and memorable way to travel, a road trip is your best choice. Driving with friends gives you plenty of time to catch up and see the country. The following road games will help the hours of driving fly by and keep everyone in the car entertained.
Travel Games to Play in the Car
1. Guess the Movie
This game is a fun way to talk about your favorite movies and get everyone flexing their brains. Have someone think of a movie, then briefly explain the plot without naming any notable characters or actors. Everyone else can guess what the movie is. For example, to explain the beloved romantic comedy Sleepless in Seattle: “A woman flies across the country in search of a man she heard on the radio. After a series of missed encounters and other relationships, they finally meet in the city that never sleeps.”
2. Two Truths & a Lie
This game helps you get to know new people and tests your knowledge of old friends while you travel together. Everyone takes a turn being “it.” Whoever is “it” tells three facts about themselves, two of which are true and one which is not. Everyone else must determine which is the lie—and you might be in for some fun surprises and revelations!
3. Twenty Questions
This classic guessing game is ideal for long road trips. The goal is for everyone to guess what a person is thinking of using 20 yes or no questions. The person who is “it” thinks of something, such as the Eiffel Tower or a spoon. Then everyone else in the car gets to ask a series of questions to guess what it is. Whoever successfully guesses the answer is “it” the next turn. If no one can figure it out after asking all their questions, the person who is “it” wins.
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