
Getting a ticket for a traffic violation is never ideal. The best way to avoid this frustration is to have a comprehensive understanding of the rules of the road. By learning about what can lead to a citation, you’re far less likely to need a defense attorney down the line. The following guide outlines a few of the most common types of traffic violations, so you know what to avoid. 

3 Types of Driving Habits Defense Attorneys Warn Against

1. Speeding

Every road has a limit for how fast you can go, and driving above this limit is against the law. In most cases, the rule is 25 mph for residential areas and between 50 to 70 mph for main roads and highways. If you are pulled over for going above the speed limit, you could face a few consequences. A fine will increase based on how many miles over you were, and you’ll also receive a certain number of points on your license. If you receive more than 11 points, your license could ultimately be suspended. 

2. Distracted Driving

defense attorneyAs a driver, it’s required that you give the road your full attention. As such, actions like texting, fiddling with the radio, eating, or turning around in your seat are strictly prohibited and considered reckless. If a police officer sees you performing any of these habits, you’ll receive a citation for distracted driving.

3. Driving Under the Influence

It’s commonly known that you shouldn’t get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking. If an officer sees you driving recklessly, they may pull you over and issue a DUI test, which could include a breathalyzer. If you blow a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more, you’ll be arrested for driving while drunk. 


If you find yourself with a traffic ticket, turn to James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law. This Cincinnati, OH, defense attorney has 17 years of experience handling DUI charges and a wide range of criminal cases. Visit his website to learn more about his practice, and call (513) 503-7251 to schedule a consultation with this defense attorney today.
