
When your cat suddenly stops using the litter box, it’s frustrating. A cats’ instinct is to bury their waste, so when they start going to the bathroom in other places, it’s important to pay attention. Although the reason may be something simple, not using the litter box may indicate that a visit to the veterinarian is in order. 

5 Reasons Won’t Use The Litter Box

1. Medical Issues

One of the most common reasons cats stop using their litter boxes, especially among male cats, is a medical problem. If your cat has a urinary tract infection, kidney problems, or serious blockages, all of these issues can all lead cats to urinate outside their box. These conditions can be excruciating, and if your cat associates painful urination with the box, they will avoid it. In some cases, cats will urinate in front of their owners and cry as a way to tell them something is wrong. If you begin to see this behavior, make an appointment with the veterinarian. 

2. The Box is Dirty

Just like humans, cats prefer a clean place to use the bathroom. If the litter box is dirty, your kitty will find another place to do his business. Keep the box clean, so there is plenty of space for your cat to bury its waste, and there aren’t any strong odors. Some cats even prefer to use separate boxes for urine and feces, so if the box is only being used for one or the other, a second litter box may be in order. 

3. Unpleasant Litter Texture

veterinarian Lancaster County, NEIf your cat stops using the litter box after you change litter brands or types, likely, they don’t like the litter. If it is too hard, too soft, has too much perfume, not enough perfume, is too dusty or has any other characteristics the cat doesn’t like, they will go elsewhere. Even adding too much or too little litter can be upsetting, so if you find one that works, don't make unnecessary changes. 

4. Bad Location

If your cat doesn’t like where the litter box is located, they won’t use it. Placing the box in a high traffic area or next to a noisy appliance can cause stress or anxiety, leading your cat to find a more quiet spot. Make sure your cat has access to the box as well; older or sick cats may have trouble climbing stairs to access the litter box. Always ensure that it is in a room and on a level of your home that is easy to get to.

5. Litter Box = Punishment

If your cat goes to the bathroom outside of the box, don’t put them in the box as punishment. They could begin associating the box with punishment and refuse ever to use it. Instead, talk with your veterinarian about the problem and make changes to encourage them to use the box instead. 


If your cat has started avoiding the litter box, call the experienced veterinarians at All Feline Hospital in Lancaster County, NE, for help. Their trained professionals will take care of your cat like it’s one of their own, and evaluate your pet to find out what problems they may be facing. These veterinarians specialize in caring for cats and ferrets, and they can help you solve problems with litter box use, as well as address other cat illnesses. Learn about their practice online, or call (402) 467-2711 for an appointment.
