Sharks are majestic creatures of the ocean, and their place in the world is critical. Shark conservation can happen on many levels, and even everyday citizens should do their part to protect these amazing animals from harm. Here’s some information on conservation and how to preserve the shark experience for future generations.
Why Shark Conservation Is Critical
Legislature & Laws
The current legislature in Hawaii has deemed sharks as critical to the ocean’s ecosystem. These predators keep the marine life in balance, regulate ocean populations, and boost the health of fish, reefs, and other critical parts of the water. If the shark population declines, so does the health of life in the sea.
Current laws prohibit any harm to sharks to preserve their place in the ocean’s hierarchy. Penalties and fees are assessed based on the number of offenses the person is caught performing. The first offense is a $500 penalty. If you’re caught three or more times harming the creatures and reducing the area’s shark population, you’ll be fined $10,000. You may also lose your marine license and any fishing equipment in your possession.
What You Can Do
Everyone should do their part to protect sharks. The smallest gesture can make the difference in keeping these sea animals safe. Avoid companies that use shark components in products, such as makeup and moisturizers. Explore brands that don’t use animals in any way, even for testing.
There’s a dangerous market for shark fins. Fins are considered high value, but harvesting them is leading many shark species toward extinction as the creatures can’t swim once they’re removed.
Another way to ensure future generations will have the chance to have a thrilling shark experience while exploring the ocean’s waters is to become aware of legislation. Support campaigns that promote preserving nature.
For an exciting shark experience, contact the team at Hawaii Shark Encounters in Haleiwa, HI. They offer shark tours, cage dives, and exciting adrenaline adventures led by their knowledgeable team. All gear is provided for the shark experience, and guests can opt for smaller, semi-private nature tours to receive an extensive education about sharks, ecosystems, and the culture of the area. Call (808) 351-9373 to book a guided shark experience, or visit them online to learn more about their shark conservation efforts. Check out their non-profit, Shark Allies, for more information on their goal for legislature change.