
Using a dishwasher is the easiest way to get all your plates, cups, and flatware clean, while saving you plenty of time. However, when something goes wrong, it can quickly spiral into a broken machine and a sink full of dirty dishes. Use this guide to help identify and fix the problem, and contact your local appliance parts distributor for anything else you need.

4 Issues With Your Dishwasher and How To Resolve Them 

1. Leaking

Puddles in front of your dishwasher can be messy and pose a risk to your family. If water is gathering immediately below the door, it's likely caused by an inadequate latch. You can tighten the latch screws with a screwdriver to fix this, but if the problem persists you might need to visit an appliance parts store for a new latch system entirely. 

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2. Dirty Dishes

First, make sure that you are not overfilling your dishwasher. When dishes and silverware are jam-packed, it can be difficult for the spray arms to reach all surfaces. Next, check the spray arms for any blockages or damage and remove any residue from the holes with a clean toothpick. Be sure to give them a couple spins as well to see if there is anything obstructing their movement. 

3. Wet Dishes

If your dishwasher utilizes a rinse aid, ensure that the chamber is full and that the cap can release the liquid when necessary. If there are no issues with your rinse aid, or you do not require it, take a look at the heating element under the lower panel or tub that dries the dishes. A multimeter can be used to test its continuity. If it needs to be changed, an appliance parts distributor can help you find the right replacement for your brand and model. 

4. Unpleasant Odors 

Smelly dishes are most likely due to excess food debris trapped in the filter. This part can be found at the bottom of the dishwasher. Take out the bottom rack, remove the filter, clean out any large pieces of food, and then run it under hot water. After, give it a good scrub with a homemade mixture of vinegar and baking soda, and rinse again. Replace the filter and bottom rack, and your dishes should be free from unwanted aromas after the next cycle.

When you have to fix an appliance, you'll require your new parts in a timely manner. You can rely on Appliance Parts Of Radcliff, Inc. in Kentucky, along with their extensive catalog of major brands and their friendly service. If you can't find what you need in store, you can trust that they'll order the piece for you and have it delivered in a matter of days. Call (270) 352-2900 today to speak to a team member or visit their website to learn more about the products they offer.
