
Rabbits may be friendly critters, but they can also wreak havoc on your beautiful landscape design. In particular, they’re drawn to certain types of flowers like tulips, asters, and pansies. If these critters frequent your yard, you don’t have to omit blossoms altogether—you just need to plant the varieties that aren’t nearly as appealing to them. Here are some types to keep in mind.

Which Types of Flowers Do Rabbits Avoid?

1. Ageratum (Ageratum Houstonianum)

Lush, textured, and rich in shades of blue, pink, and white, the ageratum is an attractive flower that lends character to your landscape design. However, it’s precisely the rich fringe and soft finish that likely deters rabbits from coming in close for a taste. They aren’t fond of the way it feels, so they’ll likely steer clear. It’s an ideal choice for a walkway or to use in a flower bed.

2. Geraniums (Pelargonium)

landscape design

Geraniums are renowned for their beauty, although some varieties feature a strong scent that may repel rabbits even if their smells are pleasant to you. These plants are known for their plush leaves, bushy silhouettes, and small bundles of flowers. They’ll easily turn off all types of animals that might otherwise venture to your yard for a snack.

3. Strawflower (Xerochrysum Bracteatum)

The strawflower is an exotic looking plant that grows in a variety of shades, including striking orange, yellow, pink, and purple. While they’re vibrant and eye-catching, they feature stiff petals that feel almost papery to the touch. Rabbits tend to turn away when they see these, as the texture does not appeal to them.

4. Sunflower (Helianthus)

The classic sunflower is a longtime favorite that adds brilliant color to your landscape design. The blossoms may be easy on the eyes, but rabbits don’t enjoy chewing on them as much as they do the seeds and leaves. If you want to plant them without disturbance from the critters, try adding a repellent, such as manure, to the ground, or burying some mesh around the plant zone.

5. Catmint (Nepeta)

Catmint is an eye-catching plant that introduces wonderful color and heady aroma to your outdoor space. A key part of the mint herb family, this lush plant tends to turn off rabbits and even deer due to its fragrance. Be mindful if you’re a cat owner, though, since felines tend to enjoy their smell. 

landscape design

If you’re ready to transform your landscape design and are seeking plants that will deter rabbits, visit Edgefield Plant & Stone Center in Greensboro, NC. The garden center carries an extensive range of products designed to make your vision a reality, including trees, shrubs, and perennials. To find out more about their services, visit the website, or call (336) 662-0081 to speak with a representative. 
