
If you’re an expecting mother, you probably spend a lot of time envisioning what your life will look like after your baby arrives. While each parent has unique care preferences, many mothers plan to breastfeed due to its compelling benefits. From the moment your baby is born in the hospital, you can begin breastfeeding for the following perks.

What Are the Advantages of Breastfeeding?

1. It’s Always Available

Recent formula shortages have placed a strain on families who formula feed their babies. When you breastfeed, you’ll never have to worry about tracking down a certain type of formula. Plus, when you’re ready to start going on outings with your baby, you’ll always have a supply of food on demand.

2. It’s Free

From clothing to diapers, babies can be expensive. Money savings is a natural byproduct of breastfeeding. While formula could cost upwards of $1,500 for a year, breastmilk is free to produce. Even if you need extra assistance from lactation consultants at the hospital or eventually plan to pump, these resources should be covered through your health insurance.

3. It Helps to Keep Your Baby Healthy

hospital Blue Earth MN

Breastmilk meets your baby’s full nutritional needs for the first few months of their life. As they grow and develop, your breastmilk changes too, evolving to meet your child’s needs. Your nutrient-rich milk may also help your baby healthy and make them less likely to experience a range of health conditions, including obesity, ear infections, and asthma. 

4. It Could Help You Stay Healthy, Too

Breastfeeding has a number of noteworthy health benefits for you, too. From the moment you first start feeding in the hospital, the action will help to shrink your uterus back down to its normal size. Breastfeeding may also help to reduce a woman’s risk of developing certain diseases, such as breast and ovarian cancer, as well as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

5. It Saves Time

Saving time in any way possible can make the transition to parenthood more manageable. Breastfeeding is a tremendous time saver, because it requires no bottle washing or sterilization. Plus, being able to put your baby to the breast quickly when they’re hungry instead of having to prepare a bottle can make life much easier. 


If you’re seeking a hospital for your upcoming delivery, look no further than United Hospital District in Blue Earth, MN. Our clinic serves women before, during, and after pregnancy, and offers exceptional care for both you and your baby to thrive. Find out more about what to expect from your delivery online or call (507) 526-3273 with any questions.
