
Although the grinder pump in your septic system is designed to handle high volumes of waste, it still needs your attention from time to time. It has the vital job of literally grinding the waste in your water into a finely textured sludge that can then be pumped into the septic tank. When your grinder is operating at its optimal capacity, your system can continue doing its job for several decades. Here’s a closer look at how you can maximize its life span.

3 Ways to Maintain Your Septic Grinder Pump 

1. Be Careful What You Put in the Drains 

Some items don’t dissolve in water and will plug the grinder, which is why you should avoid letting them go down any drain. From pasta to cooking oils, minimize your garbage disposal use and opt for the trash can whenever possible in the kitchen. In the bathroom, don’t flush anything other than waste and toilet paper.

2. Schedule Regular Inspections 

septic systemYour septic system should be inspected by a pumping service every three years at a minimum, and the grinder pump should be part of this regular maintenance routine. The professionals will be able to let you know if there are any serious problems and whether repair or replacement is necessary. The pump can get clogged and need assistance so that it doesn’t burn itself out.

3. Replace Parts When Necessary 

Have your grinder pump looked at during every inspection. If there are any signs of corrosion, cracking, bending, dents, or general wear and tear, you may need to have a part replaced. This could include the breather vent, motor seal, pump impeller, or bearings. Otherwise, you may find waste leaking outside your septic system or the sediment might not be ground to the right texture for septic pumping, which can lead to pump failure.


To get an expert’s opinion on your grinder pump’s performance, contact Nick Driggers Pumping Service in Greensboro, NC. They can help with tank inspection, repair, cleaning, and maintenance to ensure every part of the septic system is working efficiently. Schedule a visit today by calling (336) 215-4408 or learn more about the team online
