
Online pharmacies offer a fast, easy, and convenient way to get your prescriptions. You don't have to wait around for the order to be filled, and in-store pickup and home delivery services ensure you get the needed medications without stress or hassle. If you're new to the process, here's a look at how to fill an online prescription.

How to Fill a Prescription

The first step is to have a valid prescription from a doctor or other health care provider. In most cases, your doctor will submit the prescription directly to your preferred online pharmacy. Alternatively, you will need to have a hard copy of the prescription and fax or send it to the location that's filling the order. If you are refilling a current medication, you may only need the RX number for the pharmacy to confirm and move forward with the order.

While the drugstore receives or verifies the scrip, you will need to set up an account with them. You will typically be required to enter your full name, contact information, and, if available, an RX number.

How to Safely Order Online

online prescription

Understandably, you want to order from a trusted online pharmacy. You can do this by confirming that the business is licensed with the state. Also, the business should be located in the United States and have a physical street address. A reputable pharmacy will give you the opportunity to speak with a registered pharmacist.

It's best to avoid buying from online businesses that offer prescription medicines for the first time without a physical examination or any prescription medications without a scrip. Finally, never purchase medicines that haven't been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Pickup or Delivery

When the order is ready, the drugstore will contact you. You can either pick your order up at the store or, if delivery is available, have it brought to your door. When choosing delivery, provide your full address, and aim to be available when the delivery person arrives, as it's not wise to leave medications unattended.


Enjoy easy ordering for your online prescriptions when you choose Professional Pharmacy. For more than 50 years, they have been providing Dalton, GA, residents with prescription and over-the-counter medications, medical and first aid supplies, health and beauty essentials, and a wide range of gifts. Call (706) 278-2490 or visit their website to fill a prescription.
