
Active Directory® is a service offered by Microsoft Office® that allows you to make data available to users and administrators with accounts on your network. This type of data can consist of everything from names and passwords to files and media. While this feature is highly useful, if someone leaves the company and is not removed from the database, your network’s security could be in jeopardy. Fortunately, IT process management services can help protect your data.

How Active Directory Exposes InformationIT process management

Administrators in your Active Directory have access to a wide range of information. This may include types of accounts, shared files, domains, and configuration data for certain types of software. If there is access to business accounting software, for example, this could expose your company’s sensitive financial information. It is important to monitor the types of access that both users and administrators in your network have. If you don’t have the time or capabilities, an IT company can manage this service for you.

How IT Process Management Can Help

IT experts can help secure your network in many ways. First, they enable firewalls to monitor and control incoming network traffic. They also restrict access to your servers and applications through login credentials and biometrics; this prevents unauthorized users from getting this information. It’s the role of an IT process management company to ensure each user has access to the right data that they require to perform their job.


If you’re seeking reliable IT process management services for your business, turn to the team at WheelHouse Solutions in St. Charles, MO. For 18 years, they have specialized in customized IT solutions for various types of businesses, from health care to transportation industries. No matter your industry, they can work with you to ensure the needs of your business are met. Call (314) 492-2506 today to speak with one of their friendly representatives, and visit their website for more information about their full list of services. 
