
Portable toilet rentals are indispensable if you’re planning a get-together. If you’ll be outdoors, or if the venue doesn’t have bathrooms, it’s wise to rent hand-washing stations, as well. These go a long way toward making guests comfortable and also ensure a more hygienic experience for everyone in attendance. Here’s why you should rent these stations.

Why Rent Hand-Washing Stations for Your Event?

1. Positive Impact

Hand-washing stations are amenities that make positive impressions on guests who aren’t accustomed to them. People will feel cared for and appreciate that you’re committed to their health and well-being. Generally, adding one hand-washing station per port-a-potty is effective in preventing backups.

2. Safety

portable toilet rentalsHand-washing is essential for preventing illnesses and keeping guests from spreading germs to one another. Hand sanitizers in portable toilet rentals are useful, but washing with soap and water removes more visible grime. A dedicated washing station includes clean water, soap, and paper towels to meet guests’ personal hygiene needs.

3. Cleanliness

Sticky, dirty hands will make a mess at your event. Portable hand-washing stations give guests an area to clean up before and after eating. This can cut down on the cleanup afterward and also enhances guests’ comfort.

4. Legal Requirements

You’re required by the state to have hand-washing facilities if you’re preparing and serving food. Event staff and chefs legally have to wash their hands upon arrival; before, during, and after handling food; after using the restroom; and before assisting guests. A rental option ensures you don’t violate any regulations.

When organizing rentals, consider getting a dedicated hand-washing station for catering staff that can be placed near the kitchen or grill. This is for their convenience, and so they aren’t sharing facilities with guests.


If you’re exploring portable toilet rentals in and around Rushville, IL, Rocket Disposal & Greer Port-A-Potty Services has you covered. This waste management and rental service is backed by 30 years of experience. They offer solutions for construction sites, weddings, and private get-togethers. They also provide dumpster rentals, which you can explore on their website. Call (217) 322-6310 to schedule a rental.
