As a parent, you want to ensure your child has a bright and healthy smile. Certain elements can impact this goal and lead to crooked teeth, which require a visit to the orthodontist to fix. The guide below explains what can affect the alignment of your little one's teeth so that you can take action.
What Causes Crooked Teeth in Children?
1. Genetics
It's more likely for a child to have crooked teeth if one or both of their parents face the same issue. Genetics also determines the size of one's jaw, which can cause particular dental problems. For instance, your little one can experience overcrowding if they inherit big teeth from you but an undersized jaw from their other parent. On the other hand, they may have spacing problems if the framework of their mouth is large while their teeth are small. Fortunately, you can address any genetic issues early by visiting an orthodontist when your child is around 7 years old.
2. Oral Habits
Children often develop habits that affect their dental health, but awareness of these practices will help protect their smile. Among common problems is thumb-sucking or excessive pacifier use, especially once a kid is over 3 or 4 years old.
A sucking motion puts pressure behind the top teeth, changing the palate's shape over time. To wean your child off the habit, set a goal, such as no thumb-sucking before bedtime, and praise them whenever they accomplish it.
3. Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
These disorders involve abnormal use of the face and mouth. A common type is mouth breathing, often developing when a child can't inhale and exhale through their nose. If this becomes a chronic condition, it can cause the roof of their mouth to move into an overbite or underbite, also known as malocclusion.
Another kind of orofacial myofunctional disorder is tongue thrusting. This is when the tongue hits against the front teeth or rests in a forward position. The condition can exert pressure on the palate, resulting in bite problems.
If your child has crooked teeth, visit Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics in Fairfield, OH. For over 30 years, this practice has helped patients straighten their teeth to create more beautiful, confident smiles. Whether your child needs braces or Invisalign, you can trust their team of orthodontists to keep you informed throughout the process. Call (513) 829-7045 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services.