While braces straighten your smile, they can make flossing much more challenging due to the brackets and wires in the way. Fortunately, many helpful tools ensure you don't neglect this important dental care practice. Here's how both kids and adults can maintain proper oral health.
3 Tools That Make Flossing Easier When You Have Braces
1. Water Flossers
This device uses a pressurized stream of water instead of dental floss to remove plaque and food debris from the teeth. For enhanced protection from gum disease and tooth decay, you can add a bit of mouthwash to the liquid in the reservoir.
To use the water flosser, lean over the sink and close your lips to keep the fluid from splashing out. Besides getting between your teeth, you can also use the stream to clean out the gumline.
2. Floss Threaders
A threader allows you to use standard dental string conveniently when you have braces. It resembles a needle, with a small hole for the floss at the top. Once threaded, pull the tool under your braces and clean between your teeth as you normally would. While you can use the same one repeatedly, remember to discard used floss as you go, as this will avoid spreading plaque throughout the mouth.
3. Floss Picks
This tool consists of a small piece of plastic with arms holding a small length of dental floss between them. It also has a plastic pick on one end to help loosen and remove food debris from teeth. However, while preferred over not flossing at all, it's not as effective as other methods. As a result, it's best used to supplement additional flossing methods for optimum oral care.
When you have questions about the proper care of braces, Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics in Fairfield, OH, has the answers you're searching for. This orthodontist offers various solutions to help patients achieve a straight and healthy smile, from traditional dental appliances to Invisalign®. They also strive to create a relaxed and comfortable office environment for patients of all ages. Visit the website for more information on their treatments, and schedule an appointment by calling (513) 829-7045 today.