Domestic Abuse Treatment Center
Domestic Safety Resource Center
109 Lee Ave Suite 16-1, Lamar, CO 81052

About Domestic Safety Resource Center

Have you experienced a personal, traumatic event but haven’t been able to bring yourself to seek the help you need? Whether it’s out of fear, not wanting to relive the event, or some other factor, it’s perfectly okay to feel the way that you do. Domestic Safety Resource Center in Lamar, CO, is here for you. They specialize in helping those who have been victimized by violence and abuse in many forms and act as a resource for those in need of their services.


Whether you’re a victim of domestic abuse or sexual assault, you can trust the ears and hearts of the workers at this help center. As an abuse helpline, they provide assistance to victims of various abuses, which also include dating violence, stalking, and more. Trust them to listen to your situation and provide you with the resources you need to make the changes in your life that you deserve.


The help you need is a phone call away, and don't worry—everything is 100 percent confidential. Trust in a resource center that truly wants to help you overcome sexual and domestic abuse. Call Domestic Safety Resource Center today at (719) 336-4357 or like them on Facebook for more information and resources.
