
Children typically lose their first tooth when they are 5–7 years old, and they will lose their last baby tooth when they’re 12 or 13. If your child doesn’t have all their permanent teeth but you have noticed some are growing in crooked, you might wonder whether they should get braces. Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics in Fairfield, OH, uses a variety of methods to help patients attain beautiful smiles and explains the advantages and disadvantages of early orthodontic intervention.

3 Effects of Getting Braces for a Young Child  

1. Duration

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children receive a comprehensive exam by age 7. If an orthodontist determines your child could benefit from early treatment, keep in mind it might be only the first phase of a comprehensive approach. As a result, your child could need additional work when they’re older. If you don’t want your child to wear braces for a significant portion of their adolescence and their teeth alignment issues don’t require immediate treatment, your doctor might recommend delaying orthodontics.  

2. Cost

Braces Fairfield OHIf your child undergoes an initial phase of orthodontic treatment while they’re in elementary school and gets braces again a few years later, you could pay significantly more than you would for a single, longer treatment. However, severe alignment issues might require jaw surgery if they’re not detected early, so waiting too long to schedule an orthodontic consultation could be more expensive in the long run. It’s best to see an orthodontist as soon as possible so you can plan for the expense.

3. Care

It’s a challenge to brush and floss teeth with braces. If your child is too young to thread floss beneath the wire and brush thoroughly around the brackets, they might develop poor oral hygiene habits and subsequent tooth decay. An orthodontist will determine whether you can wait for your child to become more responsible before they get braces.

If your son or daughter is near 7 years old and hasn’t had an orthodontic consultation, turn to Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics in Fairfield, OH. They will provide a complete evaluation of your child’s dental alignment issues and create an effective treatment plan. Visit their website for more information about getting braces for kids and call (513) 828-0076 to schedule an examination.  
