
Many dental patients opt for Invisalign over traditional braces. These clear aligners are ideal because they’re largely invisible, yet promise the same types of results as standard metal braces. People who wear Invisalign may experience some common issues from time to time. Here’s what you should know, along with how to handle each one.

What Are the Most Common Invisalign Issues?

1. Lisping

Many patients notice that they speak with a bit of a lisp when they first wear their Invisalign aligners. This is entirely natural, and will generally subside with time after your mouth grows accustomed to the feeling of the aligners. At that point, you should find that you speak with more clarity. If not, ask your dentist to check on the fit; it could be that they’re too loose and interfering with your speech.   

2. Weight Loss

Fairfield, OH InvisalignYour dentist will provide you with specific guidelines regarding how many hours per day to wear your aligners. General treatments require that patients wear them for up to 22 hours each day, which means that you only have a couple of hours to devote to meals and snacks. It may take some time to grow accustomed to this new routine, but eventually, you should be able to develop a schedule that works well for you and allows you to consume the nutrients and calories that you need to stay healthy. Try to commit at least three or four half-hour periods to meals so that you have enough time to eat a satisfying meal.

3. Subtle Discomfort

It’s not unusual to experience some subtle pain or discomfort. This usually occurs when you wear your first set of aligners, and when you switch to a new set, which could be every week or every other week depending on your treatment plan. The discomfort is typically minimal and may feel more like pressure than actual pain. This should subside within a couple of days of wearing the aligners. If you continue to experience discomfort, however, your dentist may need to assess the fit.


Are you interested in learning more about Invisalign as an alternative to standard metal braces? Turn to Lamont Jacobs DDS Orthodontics Inc. in Fairfield, OH. Since his Invisalign certification in 1999, Dr. Jacobs provides area patients with a comfortable option to straighten their teeth. If you’re ready to get started, visit the website or call (513) 829-7045 to schedule an appointment with the orthodontist.
