
Laser genesis is a professional skin care treatment that addresses signs of aging and other cosmetic damage to the skin. The procedure can be performed anywhere on the face or body but is most-commonly used on the face, neck, shoulders, and hands. If you’re considering a non-invasive rejuvenating treatment, here’s what to know about this new and effective option.

A Guide to Laser Genesis

How does laser genesis work?

Laser genesis works by gently warming up the skin. This heat stimulates the production of collagen, a natural agent that supports suppleness and improved texture. It also helps treat minor flaws like signs of aging and acne scars. The process typically only takes half an hour, during which the dermatologist administers heat via a small wand connected to a larger machine.

What are the benefits?

skin care Anchorage

Many people choose laser genesis because it’s quick, non-invasive and suitable for any skin tone. The procedure can also be combined with other skin care treatments, such as facials and chemical peels. 

The treatment addresses various skin concerns, such as acne scars, fine lines, uneven tone and texture, and rosacea symptoms. It leads to brighter, more youthful skin and pores which are smaller in appearance.

How do I prepare for an appointment?

Your dermatologist will provide specific preparation steps based on your situation. In general, shaving the treatment area 24 hours in advance facilitates the best results. This allows the heat from the wand to penetrate the skin effectively. You should also stop using skin care products with retinol or beta hydroxy acid a week in advance. These may cause irritation when combined with laser genesis. As ultraviolet rays can lead to post-treatment hyperpigmentation, avoid sun exposure two weeks before your appointment.

What does recovery entail?

Laser genesis treatment has no downtime, allowing you to resume your normal activities immediately afterward. The skin may be red or slightly swollen for a short period, so avoid aggressive skin care products for 24 hours, including those with acids, benzoyl peroxide, or retinoids. If your skin feels dry or tight, apply a gentle moisturizer.  Again, your dermatologist will provide recommendations for skin care following your treatment.


If you’re looking to enhance the healthy appearance and vibrancy of your skin, contact Fortson Dermatology & Skin Care Center.  Dr. Jayne Fortson, a board-certified dermatologist, has extensive experience in cosmetic and medical skin treatments for Alaskans.  Services include light therapy, laser treatment, moisturizing facials and skin care products, among many others.  Call (907) 563-3204 x 2 for an appointment or contact the Center online
