
Now that it's the new year, there's a collective rush of energy toward making improvements. However, this urge for change can occur at any point in the calendar year; sometimes, the catalyst is career dissatisfaction, the end of a relationship, or health issues. Whatever the case may be, it's a common desire for people to want to become the best version of themselves and achieve their life goals. If you  want to channel your best self and achieve things you want, start with the following.

How to Unlock Potential and Achieve Your Life Goals

1. Know Your Values

When you're moving towards the ideals that matter to you and the things that you want more of in your life, you're more likely to continue on that path. Take inventory of what really matters to you and prioritize those things in your life. For some, this could mean figuring out ways to bring more travel or social time into their lives instead of climbing up the ladder at work. For others, the job could be the focus. Or, it could mean finding a greater sense of meaning and purpose in some area of their  life.

2. Make a Plan and Commit to It

life goals

Once you have a clearer sense of your values, you can formulate a plan that's anchored to them. For example, if you're hoping to pivot to a new job, this will involve making the time to look for new jobs and applying to them on a consistent basis. 

Or, if it requires a skill set you currently don't have, you may need to schedule a time to work on them, whether on your own or in a classroom setting. Alternatively, if your life goals include scaling work back so you can travel more, make time to plan out the trips and set up an automatic savings transaction to help fund them.

Many of us are accustomed to quick fixes, and expect it will be that way for goal pursuit as well. But it's important to recognize that there are likely to be many steps involved in getting to your goals. So, break your plan down into small, manageable steps, so that it becomes achievable. 

3. Create a Supportive Environment

While the people in your life can't do the work for you, their support can help sustain you when you hit stumbling blocks and get frustrated. By that same token, a lack of support can interfere with your ability to achieve your goals. 

When working towards your life goals, share them with the people who will be encouraging. This can be easier said than done, but start with those who share your values and make you feel heard.


To get you even closer to your maximum potential and life goals, reach out to Turning Point Life Coaching. For nearly 40 years, they've helped people throughout the Rochester, NY region create the life of their dreams. They understand that there's no one-size-fits-all solution and will work with you where you're currently at in life to ensure you're creating sustainable, welcomed change. You can learn more about their approach and services on their website or by calling (585) 292-0095.
