Discover the Do's & Don'ts of Cleaning Hard Chrome Plating
Hard chrome plating is extremely durable, making it ideal for industrial components that take a lot of punishment like pistons, molds, and shafts. The toughness of this plating surface makes cleaning a breeze since it's impervious to damage from most substances and extremely resistant to temperature changes. However, as the hard chrome plating experts at Cincinnati's Porter Guertin Co. explain, it isn't indestructible. They have a few tips on keeping your parts clean and well-maintained while preserving the protective finish.
Cleaning Hard Chrome Plating
In general, sponges or soft cloths with soap or other cleaning solutions will be enough to clean a chrome-plated piece of machinery. The smoothness of the surface prevents even the most viscous materials from sticking, which is another reason hard chrome plating is such a popular choice for industrial equipment. However, if something does stick, use a baking soda solution or glass cleaner to remove it.
What To Avoid
On the other hand, improper cleaning can damage the surface. First, avoid any acidic cleaning solution, particularly those that contain muriatic acid. Over time, these materials can eat through the chrome, causing corrosion and premature failure of the part. You should also never try to polish chrome plating, as there's no way to buff out or remove scratches. If the finish is starting to fail, you'll have to have it replated if you want to maintain the integrity of the finish.
With years in the industry and a wide array of industry-leading equipment, Porter Guertin Co. can handle almost all of your electroplating needs. Visit their website to learn more about their reputation for excellence, or call (513) 241-7663 to request a quote for your chrome plating project today.