
Chrome plating is the process of adding a thin layer of chromium to another metal. This adds a great-looking and durable finish to other metal objects like tools or automotive parts. However, it’s not as simple as just adding that chrome layer to any old metal. There are a few key things to consider before investing in chrome plating. Porter-Guertin Co. in Cincinnati, OH, is a metal finishing company that specializes in chrome plating and similar services. The experts at Porter-Guertin Co. are well-versed in what is required for a successful chrome plating project. Here are some insights from those specialists.

Metal Finishing Specialists Share the Best Metals for Chrome Plating

Choose a Good Base Material

Chromium on its own actually provides no functional use. So when something is referred to as “chrome,” that simply means it’s chrome-plated. The base metal or material consists of something else that is just covered by a thin layer of chromium. There are a few base metals that can work for chrome plating projects, including steel, aluminum, cast iron, bronze, and brass.

Add Nickel Plating

chrome platingFrom there, most metals are covered with bright nickel plating to provide a smooth base for the rest of the chrome plating project. Other pretreatment methods can be used, but nickel plating is the most common.

Clean the Surface

Throughout every step of the process, cleaning the surface of the metal or plating is essential. No matter what base material is used, your metal finishing specialists need to clear the surface of the metal to ensure a smooth and durable finish that won’t warp or peel.

Several metals are suitable for this process, provided they’re also plated in nickel or a similar material and cleaned before adding the chrome plating. Ultimately, the best metal for chrome plating will depend on your individual needs. If you’re interested in chrome plating services, Porter-Guertin Co. can help. The trusted company serves the Cincinnati area with chrome plating, nickel plating, and other metal finishing services. You can contact the team online or call (513) 241-7663 for more information.
