
While the transition from summer to fall can be an exciting and welcome time for some, others may feel triggered by the change, especially given the turbulence and unpredictability the pandemic has had on many. It's not uncommon to experience the blues during darker days and cooler weather. Give special care to your mental health by using the following tips to transition into the cozy days of autumn with ease. 

How Can You Boost Your Mental Health This Fall?

1. Embrace Fall

One of the best ways to help you ease discomfort or anxiety over seasonal changes is to explore what you like about them. Make a plan to visit a local apple orchard or pumpkin patch to enjoy the season. Ask friends to join you for a hike or nature walk where you can take in autumnal reds, oranges, and yellows in the changing leaves. Research has found that being in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and fear and increase serotonin and feelings of wellness. 

2. Prioritize Self-Care 

mental health

Sometimes our bodies need a little extra care to help us feel centered and happy. Getting in some movement throughout the day promotes neural growth and releases endorphins that make you feel good. Ensuring you are getting a full 8 hours of sleep helps your mind feel balanced, allowing for emotional resilience. Small habits like lighting a seasonal candle for a bath or diffusing essential oils can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and promote feelings of calm. 

3. Ask for Help

In 2019, just before the pandemic, it was reported that 40.2 million adults had received care for their mental health through treatment or counseling. Many people have faced challenges with their emotional well-being for several reasons, with the seasonal affective disorder being one of them. Whether you share your feelings with a parent, close friend, or therapist, creating a healthy outlet and trusted support system to help you process your emotions is important. 


If improving your mental health is something you want to explore, visit 1st Choice Healthcare Inc. in Corning, AR. Since 1994, this nonprofit healthcare clinic has provided affordable health and behavioral health services. This facility accepts all patients regardless of insurance and provides reduced costs based on income. Call (870) 857-3399 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about how they can help. 
