
In the winter, many individuals may start to feel “off” as dark days and the cold weather linger. This is clinically known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and it causes symptoms similar to depression, including fatigue, sadness, and irritability. If you're experiencing these feelings, talking to a doctor can help. Until then, below are several ways you can stay positive throughout he season. 

How to Practice Self Care in the Winter

1. Exercise

When it's cold outside, nothing is more comforting than bundling up inside. However, exercise increases your serotonin and endorphin levels, resulting in an overall happier mood. If it's challenging to get to your local gym due to inclement weather, consider workouts you can do around the house or neighborhood.

For example, take a walk around your block, complete a workout video, or ride a stationary bike while watching television. Even 15 minutes of exercise each day can reduce the risk of depression by 26%.

2. Socialize

doctorIn the winter, routine social outings such as picnics, barbecues, or family vacations tend to wind down, making it easier to isolate. While brief periods of solitude provide much-needed rest after a long day, extended isolation can negatively affect your physical and mental health.

Spending time with friends and family members will improve your mood and reduce feelings of loneliness. To expand your social network, join a book club, take an art class, or volunteer with a local organization. If you need someone to talk to, reach out to a friend or doctor. Sometimes expressing your feelings out loud can make them easier to work through.

3. Vitamin D

You circadian rhythm is the body’s method of regulating necessary functions, such as sleep and wake cycles, as well as your mood. In the winter, less exposure to natural sunlight can alter these schedules, affecting your mental health.

Because there is less sunlight during the winter, you can experience vitamin deficiency that affects your mood. To increase your vitamin D levels, look for foods that are rich in the nutrient, such as fatty fish, yogurt, and fortified cereals. Go outside on sunny days or talk to your doctor about a vitamin D supplement.


If you're experiencing the symptoms of SAD, reach out to the compassionate team of doctors at 1st Choice Healthcare in Corning, AR. Since 1994, this non-profit clinic has been providing a variety of affordable healthcare services, including counseling, nutritional education, disease management, and more. Call (870) 857-3399 to schedule an appointment. Visit them online to learn more about their services. 
