
If you’re planning a building site for a new home, commercial space, or agricultural operation, erosion is a topic you’ll encounter. The issue encompasses how rainwater collects and travels on the property. When site development isn’t handled properly, erosion can create serious and immediate problems. This helpful guide discusses how professional services can prevent erosion that may cause project delays and other complications.

What Is Soil Erosion?

Erosion is a natural process where topsoil is removed from land over time. It can be the result of passing high winds or rushing water that repeatedly targets the same areas of the ground over time. Initially, it can wash away several inches of dirt, but over millions of years, it can carve a vast canyon.


Topsoil is the nutrient-rich soil layer that plants need to grow. When erosion washes it away, it’s difficult for new growth to form. Likewise, it can expose the roots of existing plants. As a result, they may lose their hold in the ground and tumble over and die. The erosion process also weakens the soil. For example, if a home is built on a grade and the surrounding soil erodes, there may not be a strong enough base. A house or building will slowly slide downhill, which will bend and warp the structure. A home at the base of a hill may experience flooding and mudslides if erosion creates soil instability at the top of the grade.

How Is It Prevented?

Site development professionals will study the topography of the site and how the elements affect it. They will use processes like excavation and grading to manage rain runoff so it doesn’t lead to erosion in key areas around the structures you erect. If you’re going to plant crops, they’ll use trenching tools to create drainage ditches adjacent to crop fields. While this is an extensive process, it is ultimately geared toward the preservation of your property and the ecosystem it sits within.


Builders within a 100-mile radius of Ogema, WI, turn to Jeff Simek Construction Co. Inc. for site development assistance. This locally owned and operated company is backed by 25 years of experience in excavation, grading, and trenching services. They help with every stage of a project, and they also handle septic installation. Call (715) 767-5295 to schedule a consultation, and visit the website to learn more.
