
If your cat loses its vision, you're likely to have some concerns about how it will manage without eyesight. Cats, like all animals, can adapt to their blindness but may require some extra help for their safety and well-being. Your veterinarian will provide specific instructions on how to best care for your kitty, but keep these helpful tips in mind as well to ensure its comfort. 

How Can You Keep a Blind Cat Comfortable?

1. Avoid Startling It 

When cats lose their sight, they compensate by using their hearing, whiskers, and paws to navigate. However, they can still startle if touched without warning. Always talk to your cat when you approach it to be sure it knows someone is nearby. If you have other animals in the home, attach bells or other noisemakers to their collars so the blind cat is always alerted to their presence.

2. Keep the Cat Indoors 

Blind cats should always be kept indoors. If they are used to being outside, consider adding a fenced garden or run where they can safely enjoy the outdoors with supervision. Provide indoor cats with veterinarian-recommended toys or puzzle feeders to keep them engaged and prevent boredom when they can't go outside.

3. Allow It to Walk on Its Own

While it can be tempting to carry your feline friend around when it can no longer see, doing so actually makes life more difficult for it. Cats have scent glands in their paws, which leave a trail of scent wherever they go. Allowing your blind kitty to walk around lets it learn how to naturally navigate and become familiar with its surroundings.


4. Avoid Moving Items

Keep your pet's food, water, and litter box in the same location after it can no longer see. Cats can still navigate by memory and will know where to find these items. Avoid moving furniture or creating other obstacles for your pet, as well. Its mental map knows the location of everything in your home, so as long as major items and landmarks stay in the same places, the cat will be able to navigate without any difficulty. 

5. Protect Against Falls

Your blind cat may be able to get around the home easily, but it is still vulnerable to falls that could cause injury. Avoid lifting it onto high surfaces, and block off stairs until it learns how to manage them again. Pad sharp corners and edges on furniture, as well, until your cat learns to avoid them. 


If your cat is showing signs of a vision problem, make an appointment to see a veterinarian at West Pine Animal Hospital & Pet Resort in West End, NC. Since 2018, this local animal hospital has served pets throughout Mineral Springs, Foxfire, and Seven Lakes. They provide state-of-the-art pet care, including wellness exams and vaccinations, as well as luxury pet boarding. Learn about the practice on their website, or call (910) 673-3103 to schedule a visit.
