
February is National Pet Dental Health Month, which makes it the perfect time to visit your veterinarian for a checkup and pay extra attention to your animal’s mouth. Not only can poor dental hygiene cause pain and infection, but it can also make eating difficult and impact their daily nutritional requirements. Ensure you’re taking your pet’s dental health seriously by practicing these four oral care tips.

Top Pet Dental Health Tips

1. Start a Dental Care Routine

If you don’t already have an oral care routine for your pet, it’s never too late to start one. Start by picking a time of day to work with your pet, then get them used to you touching the outside of their mouth. From there, you can expand the touching to include the inside of the lip and eventually, introduce a toothbrush.

2. Brush the Right Way

veterinarianWhen practicing dental care on your pet, it’s important to know the right method to use to get the most out of your routine. You want to focus your attention on the outer part of your pet’s teeth, as the inside is typically cleaned by their tongue. Start on the sides and then work to the front, praising your pet as you go. 

3. Use Dental Treats

There are a number of dental-care treats on the market for both cats and dogs. These biscuits are designed to help scrub the surface of your pet’s teeth, while cleaning their tongue and helping freshen their breath. Use these treats in tandem with brushing.

4. Visit Your Veterinarian

Even when following a dental care routine, you should take your pet to the veterinarian to have their oral health assessed as part of a checkup. The professional can evaluate your animal’s overall mouth health and recommend any changes to your cleaning process or treatments your pet may need.


If you’re looking for the best way to take care of your animal’s teeth during National Pet Dental Health Month, visit the veterinarians at West Pine Animal Hospital and Pet Resort in West End, NC. In addition to providing the medical services your pet needs, this veterinary clinic also offers a resort-style boarding facility to further care for your family’s companion. To learn more about the office, visit them online or call (910) 673-3103 to speak to a friendly team member today.
