
A well-functioning septic system is integral to a clean and comfortable home. However, problems can still exist in your septic system, and you may not know anything is wrong until a major issue occurs. This guide illustrates the importance of scheduling regular septic inspections that can clue you into small problems before disaster strikes.

What Happens During an Inspection?

An inspection involves checking the different components of a septic system to ensure they’re functioning correctly. The septic tank holds wastewater from your home and disperses it to the drain field, where contaminants are removed.

Upon opening the tank, the inspector will gauge the levels. Heavier sludge and solid waste should fall to the bottom of the tank, while the top should be made up of floating scum—which is usually made up of greases and oils. 

If levels are normal, the tank will be pumped to allow it to be inspected for cracks and defects. The filtering apparatus will also be checked to ensure solid waste is not making its way from the tank to the drain field. The drain field, however, won’t be checked unless there is an obvious issue, like a strong sewage odor or oversaturation of the ground around the drain field.  

How Often Should They Take Place?

Septic InspectionsUnder normal circumstances, septic inspections should take place every three to five years. If you have a smaller tank, a bigger home, or a large family, you may want to schedule an inspection every two to three years. Garbage disposals can cause more wear to your septic system, so if you have one in your home, a once-yearly inspection is recommended.

What Are the Benefits of an Inspection?

The biggest benefit of a septic inspection is that it decreases the chance of experiencing a breakdown. If your tank does fail, sewage could back up into your home, which is as unpleasant as it is unsanitary.

Regular inspections also mean less expensive repairs. Regular pumping is far less expensive than repairing a tank or needing to have the entire system replaced.  


To ensure the proper function of your system, schedule a septic inspection with Southeastern Kentucky Septic Tank Cleaning in London, KY. These professionals have spent the last decade providing trusted septic services to homeowners and businesses throughout Laurel County. Their septic maintenance services include inspection and pumping to keep your home clean and comfortable. Schedule a service inspection by calling (606) 862-0911.
