
Having a cough can be annoying and sometimes even painful. Fortunately, by understanding what causes coughing and how it can be treated at home and by health care professionals, you can limit the uncomfortable sensations. Here’s what you need to know. 

What Causes a Cough? 

A cough is often a reflexive reaction to mucus or foreign particles, like dust or smoke, in your airways. This type of infrequent cough will help make breathing easier by clearing out the airways.  

health careRespiratory tract infections caused by a cold or flu virus can also lead to coughing. In most cases, it’ll take around a week for the cough to go away. If you have the flu, you may need antibiotics to solve the issue.

Another common cause is asthma. The problem will typically start with an allergic reaction and wheezing. This is especially common among children, and an inhaler will help. Some less common reasons for a cough include pneumonia, vocal cord damage, and postnasal drip. 

What Can You Do About a Cough?

While some coughs may require a visit to the hospital or doctor, start with at-home treatment options. For example, drink ginger tea with honey and soothe the throat with cough drops. Additionally, stay hydrated by having eight cups of water a day and avoid smoke and dust. If you’re noticing a lot of mucus, gargle warm salt water a few times a day. Decongestant sprays can also help clear your throat and nose. Finally, use an extra pillow to elevate your head while sleeping. 

In more serious cases, medical care will be required. A doctor will examine the throat, listen to your chest with a stethoscope, and inquire about your symptoms. They may prescribe antibiotics for bacteria-related infections. If they can’t find the cause, they may order an X-ray to see if your lungs are clear. You may also need blood and skin tests if they think you’re having an allergic reaction. 


If you’re having a cough and the above at-home treatments aren’t helping, contact the health care professionals at Covenant Hospital Levelland. Serving Hockley County, TX, they have almost 50 years of experience treating patients. They’re dedicated to providing exceptional care in a comfortable and warm atmosphere. Call (806) 894-4963 to speak to a member of their team, or head to the website to learn more about their health care services. 
