About Cokesbury United Methodist Church
Are you short on answers will a lot of questions to spare? Whether you live in the Knoxville, TN, community or you’re from out of town, you can always seek answers—and comfort—at Cokesbury United Methodist Church. A community pillar, this church offers a wide range of church services for those in need of a house of worship and a helpful clergy.
Have your children attend their Sunday school, join community groups, and learn what being a member of this church means. You’ll have a variety of opportunities to connect and reconnect with other members, which will help fan the flames for your passionate relationship with God. They also have multiple campuses so you can visit the location nearest you.
Find out what it’s like to visit a church that wants to fulfill your spiritual needs when you choose Cokesbury United Methodist Church as your community church and vehicle to God. For information on their services and times, call (865) 693-0353 or visit them online.