About Geise Transmission Inc
Does your vehicle have trouble getting up hills? If you’re noticing the needle on your RPM gauge continuously moving with no shifting or you feel your car jerk between shifts, you could have a transmission issue. Geise Transmission, Inc. in Ottoville, OH, is committed to saving your car from the scrap heap with precise and effective auto repair and transmission services.
Whether you’re slipping gears or slipping on ice, you can trust the ASE-certified auto technicians at Geise Transmission to repair your vehicle and save you from unnecessary pitfalls. Their auto repair services include oil changes, brake repairs, wheel bearings, and light mechanical repairs. Their transmission work includes repairs, rebuilds, and installation of automatic and manual trannies.
Get your free estimate today when you call Geise Transmission at (419) 453-3620. You can also find out more about this auto repair shop by visiting them online.