
Fresh bread is one of the most popular foods around the world. It was central to the formation of early human societies. Although this food its been eaten for thousands of years,  nowadays it’s seen by many as an indulgence. Low carb diets are popular all around the country, however, you can still enjoy this favorite even if you’re on a diet following these tips. Quality's more important than quantity.

3 Ways to Eat Fresh Bread Without Ruining Your Diet

1. Local Bread Shop Vs Grocery Store

Though purchasing bread at the grocery store is convenient, the options are likely heavily processed and feature additives that will not help your waistline or overall health. Visit your local bakery instead of fresh bread made daily with simple ingredients. You can ask the ingredients and how the bread its made to the bakery staff. Search for no preservatives, and bread low in sugar or with no sugar at all.

2. Slow proofing bread and Whole Wheat Germ

fresh breadAs important as the ingredients it's proofing time. It's also the most underlooks aspect when choosing healthier bread.   Supermarkets as well and many bakeries speed up the fermentation process to gain efficiency and lower its costs. However, this method doesn't allow lactic and acetic acids to develop in the dough, those are beneficial for you and make the bread easier to digest. Another option its to stick to Whole-wheat germ as much as possible. Its higher fiber content keeps you feeling fuller for longer, it's more nutritious and it also helps digestion.

3. Change the Toppings

Look for a savory pastry in the bakery and choose healthier topping at home.  Say goodbye to empty calories, like mayonnaise and mustard, in favor of hummus, bean spread, or yogurt.  Add a healthy fat for an even more satiating breakfast meal or snacks, such as avocado slices or olive oil. Include a lean protein to fill your stomach, such as tofu, chicken, or fish.


Purchase fresh bread at Brug Bakery in Honolulu. The renowned Japanese bakery offers over 70 handmade baked goods and uses only specialty ingredients to create fresh, flavorful options for locals and tourists alike, including their popular Sugar-free Toast Bread, ot whole-wheat Haiga bread. Call (808) 945-2200 today to inquire about the day’s offerings, and check out photos of their delicious bread online or on their Facebook page.
