
Blood clots are a potentially serious condition in which blood coagulates in the arteries, potentially restricting blood flow to important organs, such as the heart or lungs. They can occur anywhere in the body and at any time, but certain circumstances and factors can increase your risk for developing one. In particular, undergoing either outpatient or inpatient surgery could make you more susceptible to blood clots. Here’s why and what you can do to control your risk.

A Guide to Post-Surgery Blood Clot Prevention

Why Does Surgery Increase the Blood Clot Risk?

Inpatient surgery generally requires patients to recover with at least a day of bed rest, though many outpatient procedures also necessitate downtime. Because you’re typically less active during these periods, blood circulation may be compromised. For blood to be pumped through your body, ample muscle movement is required. Thus, as circulation is minimized, the risk of deep vein thrombosis, a dangerous clot at risk of entering the vital organs, increases.

inpatient surgeryBeyond reduced activity levels, surgeries can also introduce foreign matter into the bloodstream. When substances, like fat, tissues, collagen, and other bodily materials, make their way into the blood, your body may respond by attempting to fight off this matter by clotting.

What Can You Do to Minimize Your Risk?

Luckily, there are many ways to minimize the risk of blood clots following both outpatient and inpatient surgery. Before you have your procedure, your doctor will assess your preexisting risk and may suggest lifestyle adjustments, such as smoking cessation, to prevent blood clots. Clot-dissolving medications can also be administered, if needed.

As you recover, your doctor and nurses will likely encourage you to move around as much as you can to stimulate blood flow. Hospitals are also equipped with features to help minimize clotting risk, such as beds which can elevate the feet, as well as compression leg wraps. As you heal, your doctor will continue to monitor you for any abnormalities. Report any unfamiliar symptoms as you recover, such as severe pain, dizziness, swelling, numbness, light-headedness, or rapid breathing.


As Campbellsville, KY’s trusted hospital, Taylor Regional Hospital is committed to providing the utmost degree of patient care and safety before, during, and after surgeries and treatments. Their team of general surgeons can perform many types of inpatient surgeries, as well as office-based procedures. Learn more about the services offered by their surgical associates online or call (270) 465-2821. with any questions.
