What Are the Most Common Culprits Behind Cellphone Damage?
This summer, you’ll take your smartphone on all of your adventures, whether you’re headed on a road trip or just preparing for a festive Taco Tuesday. However, the environments you bring this essential device to could put it at risk. If you’re looking to avoid cellphone repairs this season, consider these common causes of damage and how to avoid them.
3 Reasons You Might Need Cellphone Repairs
1. Sitting
Even if you have a purse, many smartphone users keep their phone in their back pocket for easy access—perfect for grabbing when they get a call or need to take a quick photo. Unfortunately, this makes it easy to damage by accidentally sitting down on a hard surface. Not only could you crack the glass or damage the screen, but you could also injure yourself. Instead, keep your phone in a small purse or your front pocket.
2. Overheating
Your phone is vulnerable to fluctuations in temperature. That means, as you use your smartphone to take pictures and get in touch with friends this summer, you could increase the risk of it overheating. In some cases, the battery may start leaking or catch on fire. To avoid this, never leave your phone in your car if you’re going into a store, restaurant, or movie theater. If you’re doing something outdoors, such as going to the lake or pool, take a cooler and leave your phone inside with some cool snacks and drinks.
3. Getting Wet
At some point or another, you’ve likely been a victim of getting pushed in the pool by a friend or family member. That’s why it’s important to leave your cellphone elsewhere if you’ll be hanging out around any body of water. If you’re taking a bath, going to the restroom, or laying out by the lake, resist the urge for screen time; take a book with you for entertainment instead.
If you do happen to damage your phone, take it to Experimax Avon for efficient, lasting repairs. This computer and cellphone repair company helps tech-savvy customers throughout the Hendricks County area, and they’re proud to offer convenient, same-day services. If you want to upgrade your device, you can trade it in for a new model and save some money. For more information on their services, visit their website, or call (317) 755-1341 to schedule an appointment for cellphone repairs today.