If you have arthritis or experience back pain for other reasons, you might have noticed it gets worse in the winter. Some people say they can predict the weather based on their symptoms; air pressure or the cold might affect the joints to cause this effect. While there isn't much concrete evidence for these theories at present, there are several known connections between cold weather and back pain.
Why Does Back Pain Get Worse in Winter?
1. Injury Risk
You're at greater risk of a back injury when it's wet or icy outside. Slipping and falling can cause bruises and sprains that will leave you sore for days or weeks. It also gets dark earlier, and the lower visibility can increase your injury risk.
2. Less Exercise
One of the most effective pain management techniques for minor aches and stiffness is to move. A regular workout routine or walking can stretch muscles and loosen joints. In the winter, you're less likely to go outdoors, so you get less exercise, which can result in more stiffness.
3. Seasonal Depression
When you're spending less time outside, you're getting less sun and seeing fewer people. This can cause a significant drop in mood and seasonal affective disorder — a type of depression that worsens in winter. Depression and arthritis pain are strongly linked; each one can make the other worse in an ever-increasing cycle. If you're unhappy in cold weather, you'll experience more pain.
If you're experiencing back pain this winter, visit a chiropractor at Adams Clinic of Chiropractic in Monroe, GA. Serving Walton County since 2008 and practicing medicine since 2002, Dr. Jeremy T. Adams offers adjustments and education to help you with pain management, including a newsletter with tips for a healthier, more comfortable lifestyle. For an appointment, call (770) 267-3277, or see their new patient resources online.