Many fire sprinkler systems consist of metal pipes and fixtures, a steady water supply, and air. These components are crucial for effective fire suppression. However, systems can fail or weaken due to corrosion over time, which is a serious problem that leaves a building vulnerable to fire damage. Here are a few common weaknesses to watch for so that you know how to identify and prevent the sprinkler system from degrading.
Why Do Sprinklers Corrode?
1. Trapped Air
Pockets of oxygen in the metal pipes react with water to oxidize the interior. This results in rust buildup, which slowly erodes the structural integrity of the plumbing. Air is usually trapped in high points in piping where lower amounts of water are found.
2. Residual Water
In galvanized steel dry pipe systems, the main problem is the presence of residual water where there should be none. These dry pipe systems rely on pressurized air to suppress fires quickly, so there’s an abundance of oxygen in them. When the oxygen reacts with stagnant pockets of water, the interior metal piping reacts to form iron oxide, slowly building sediment and corroding the material itself.
3. Solid Waste
Pieces of solid waste or debris, like dirt, grit, and organic matter, can cause pitting to the interior surface of pipes. The pits and solid waste create an ideal breeding ground for microorganisms, like iron bacteria, which eat away at the metal and leave rust. The pitting can also weaken the pipe overall, making failure more likely.
If you want to have the fire sprinkler system checked, turn to Accel Fire Systems in Anchorage, AK. These professionals provide system repairs, maintenance, and testing to prevent them from corroding, weakening, and failing. To get more information about how they can help, visit them online or call (907) 349-1490.